Possibely the best settin' porch in Sheridan

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I don’t know what Carrie Benham would think of this….

… but Harry (Bernard -our Harry, not Benham) has finished wiring the five guest bedrooms, our downstairs bedroom, the living room and the kitchen ‘puter for Internet, streaming media, cable and phone.
He thinks our signal from the upstairs might make it as far as the very top of Thurmond Hill.  And he’s installed hardware firewalls, secured login and all the other bells and whistles (of course).
What would Carrie say?
A century ago, when she wanted to talk to somebody, she leaned over the fence or had the operator connect her to another one of Sheridan’s phone.  If she wanted to send a ‘text message’, she wrote it by hand on stationary and stuck a 2 cent stamp on the envelope.
And media?  Streaming?  Well she might have had scratching media - a gramophone.
We’ve got six bedrooms and five bathrooms, an attic and a basement, living and dining rooms, a pantry, laundry room, garage, shed, back yard, front porch and hallways all with WiFi.  So now we can play ‘Words with Friends’ with someone else anywhere in the house without actually talking to them, or seeing them….
What would Carrie think of  this?

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This house and its history, and the people who lived here (and in the neighborhood) are of great interest to us. If you have a story about the house or Sheridan's Residence Hill neighborhood, let us hear it!