Possibely the best settin' porch in Sheridan

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

King of the Cowboy Towns...

That's what Western Horseman magazine says (Feb. 2012.).

Now I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, so I'm no cowboy.  But Bev spent lots of time on her dad's ranch in California and knows which end of a horse... oh never mind.

But Sheridan and cowboys?  Now there's a match.

Western Horseman magazine names Sheridan "King of Cowboy Towns"

Here's a bronc rider catching some serious air at the 2008 Rodeo.

Sheridan-WYO Rodeo - 2008n

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This house and its history, and the people who lived here (and in the neighborhood) are of great interest to us. If you have a story about the house or Sheridan's Residence Hill neighborhood, let us hear it!