Possibely the best settin' porch in Sheridan

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What’s in a Name? Part 1

I was browsing a web site (city-data dot com) that claims to gather important data about communities across the US. This info, deemed “reliable but not guaranteed” includes a section titled “Most common first names in Sheridan, WY among deceased individuals”.  I’m sure somebody thinks this important, but I cannot imagine who.
Still, the purpose of a blog is to write whether anyone reads it or not.  And so….
John, Mary, George and James were the top names, George (141) and James (140) were nearly tied for third place, Mary held 2nd place among dead ladies with 170, and John comfortably held the coveted first place spot with a whopping 203.  
So I presume that if you went to our local cemetery and combed the headstones for names, or you brought the local radio station’s sound truck to the cemetery and cranked up the sound (enough to ‘raise the dead’) you’d have many more Johns, than Merles, Mikes or Mahmouds show up.  As a matter of statistical irrelevance, the average Georges tended to live longer than the Johns or the Jameses, but the Marys outlived them all.
Last names?  Glad you asked.  Smith, Johnson, Miller and Jones took the top four spots, but the fifth place Wilsons outlived them all (on average).

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